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Our History

During 2011 it became clear that a new secondary school was to be opened in North Wicklow. From mid that year the Reverend Baden Stanley, the Rector of Christ Church in Bray had started to gather support for a Church of Ireland bid for the patronage.

The Department of Education subsequently confirmed that the school was to be developed in Greystones and would open in September 2014. A committee comprising parents from Greystones and Delgany got together in November 2011 to support the Church of Ireland bid and based their support on establishing a school that would be;

  • Locally focused

  • Child centred

  • Faith based and Christian in ethos

  • Welcoming to children of all faith traditions and none

  • Providing an inclusive, effective and comprehensive curriculum with an attractive ethos that will respond to the academic, cultural, personal and spiritual needs of pupils

  • Democratically run with parents, teachers, students and the church community in partnership.

  • A happy school and a caring community.

  • Co-educational and appealing to children of all abilities.

When the Church of Ireland was awarded the patronage in July 2012 an interim Board of Management was established to ensure that the school was up and running by September 2014. A key part of the establishment process saw Mr Alan Cox appointed as Principal Designate in April 2013 before finally assuming the role on a full time basis in February 2014.

A brand new school brings with it high hopes and aspirations, but also raises lots of questions and some uncertainties. Temple Carrig School was no different but now as the school is in its permanent buildings, with a dedicated staff and enthusiastic students it is clear the aspirations that underpinned the patronage bid for the school are being met.

Temple Carrig School is a welcoming and inclusive school serving the local community and providing an education for students which recognises the importance of endeavour, kindness, integrity and adventure in learning and living.

© 2024 Temple Carrig School

Charity No:  20148591

Roll No: 68081J

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